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Tender & Bid Management Service

The tender & bid management service enables SMEs to offer their services or collaborate on join product opportunities. It also provides opportunities to potential suppliers of products and services.

Offer products and services for new business opportunity


The ender and Bid Management service give SMEs a chance to offer their products, services and capabilities for income generating opportunities. SMEs can post business opportunities and contact suppliers through a portal.

Find potential suppliers and collaborate on joint projects


SMEs can explore collaboration opportunities for the development and sharing of products and prototypes. Multiple companies can use the service to collaborate on a joint project.

Tendering and Bid Management Service in the EFPF Ecosystem


Manufacturing companies across Europe constantly need to find and connect with suppliers and service providers to be able to respond to changing customer needs. In the EFPF ecosystem, manufacturing companies like KLEEMAN and Lagrama, two large manufacturing companies in Europe, as well as their partners frequently look out for new suppliers and products based on specific requirements, such as products, certifications, standards, warranty period, packaging standards, etc. The tender and bid management solutions help the users to not only post/explore new business opportunities but also to an idea of what products and industrial capabilities are currently in demand.

Tender & Bid Management Services

Opportunities Board

The Opportunities Board is the point of contact for most SMEs. This is where the users can find the list and details of opportunities and tenders currently available. Users can scroll the list and explore opportunities of their interest.

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