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European Factory Foundation (EFF)

The European Factory Foundation is an association aiming to facilitate stakeholder collaboration across manufacturing and logistics sectors through the development and promotion of innovative solutions from Industry4.0, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Digital Manufacturing domains.

The European Factory Foundation is the legally independent body that provides shared resources to help maintain, manage and grow the EFPF digital platform and federated ecosystem. The EFF activities also focus on the development and nurturing of EFPF community and empowering the association members with relevant tools, service and also business opportunities that allow them to maximise trade, connectivity, communication and interoperability across the ecosystem. 


Initiated in 2019 by 12 founding members from research and industry, the EFF is is a non-profit organisation. It encourages the adoption of digital solutions from the EFPF ecosystem and promotes interoperability across the digital systems and industrial platforms through a common, collaborative and interoperable framework called EFPF Data Spine.


The membership to EFF is open to organisations of different size as well as individuals who are interested in actively utilising or contributing towards EFPF solutions.

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EFF Founding Members


EFF Vision

The vision of the EFF is the creation and the ongoing development of an ecosystem in the areas (application fields) of Smart Factory, Industry 4.0 and Digital Manufacturing.


The following objectives are connected to the overall vision:

  • Improving the networking of stakeholders including the solutions providers, users, vendor and user communities

  • Increasing the use of existing and future technology, product and service offerings through the provisioning of EFPF platform

  • Improving the integration and interoperation of existing and future technology, product and service offerings through the provisioning of Data Spine

  • The promotion of technical, economic and legal innovation within European manufacturing sector

  • The organisation of events and to promote the latest offerings of association members in the mentioned fields of application

EFF Stakeholders

The EFF stakeholders  range from individuals and research organisations to SMEs and large companies that are interested in achieving development and uptake of innovation digital manufacturing solutions through the EFPF ecosystem. 


The EFF stakeholders are not only contributors to the EFPF platform, but also those who contribute in building the EFPF ecosystem and making it sustainable over time. The entities with following interests are of primary interest to EFF:

  • Individuals or organisations that are interested in making use of Industry4.0 and digital manufacturing solutions through the EFPF platform

  • Individuals and organisations that are interested in developing innovative solutions and/or offering their products/solutions/services through the EFPF platform

  • Individuals and organisations that are interested in establishing interoperability of their solutions through the EFPF Data Spine

  • Individuals and organisations that are interested in the experimentation and validation of EFPF solutions

EFF Memberships

The EFF members contribute towards the enhancement and maintenance of the EFPF platform, while making use of it. Whereas the users solely make use of the platform. The EFF offers 4 types of memberships.


The EFF Membership types include:

  • Platinum Members are organisations that understand EFPF as a strategic ecosystem and contribute towards the development and enhancements of the EFPF Platform. Platinum membership is renewable on yearly basis

  • Gold Members are organisations that actively contribute towards the development, maintenance and enhancements of EFPF Platform and the EFPF ecosystem. Gold membership is renewable on yearly basis

  • Associate Members are non-profit legal entities (including research organisations) that have an interest in the purpose of the EFPF Foundation

  • Individuals can also actively contribute towards evangelizing, experimentation, technical support and Quality Assurance activities among others

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