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Digiotouch OÜ

Sub-Project Type: 1

Sub-projects for the development of digital manufacturing applications and services for the EFPF platform

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The sub-project SENTIENT will extend EFPF services realizing lot-size-one manufacturing in European furniture domain. SENTIENT will develop novel business models assisting furniture manufacturers and their supply networks embrace such manufacturing. SENTIENT will introduce two technical innovations, contribute to industrial standards, and disseminate project results to win potential customers.

Main objectives of the sub-project are: 

The overall objective of SENTIENT is to extend EFPF services demonstrating lot-size-one (LSO) manufacturing in European furniture domain. SENTIENT will develop a secure, interoperable, end-to-end, B2B service covering furniture manufacturers and their supply chain networks to realize LSO manufacturing.


The specific objectives of the sub-project are:

  1. Enable creating ad-hoc supply network with blockchain powered smart contracts.

  2. Providing real-time holistic view of the production state using an Android app.

  3. Develop a SaaS business model tailored to LSO manufacturing companies.

  4. Adopt & contribute to standards relevant to EFPF reducing fragmentation and promoting interoperability.


The SENTIENT service will be integrated with Digiotouch’s cloud based Paradise platform for commercialisation

To find more information about the Sentient project, the presentation slides can be downloaded here, and seen to the right. Alongside this, the Exhibition Pitch videos can be seen below.

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