This month we present to you a (recorded) webinar that was organised by the European Factories of the Furture Research Association (EFFRA) to promote the EC funded projects in the area of Digitalisation and Digital Platforms for Manufacturing.
EFPF was 1 of the 3 projects presented this webinar to a large audience from research and industrial background. The following video not only provides an overview of the EFPF project, it also provides a glimpse of what innovative functioanlities have been already developed and are available through the eFactory platform, and what is in the pipeline.
*Please note that the eFactory acronym has been changed to EFPF. In the above video the eFactory acronym is not is not related with eF@ctory(TM), which is a trademark owned by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Feel free to provide your feedback on the relevance of EFPF to your needs or interests - using the Contact Us form on the website. As described in the video, we are interested in collaborations and therefore any ideas of mutual interest will be welcome.