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  • Writer's pictureUsman Wajid

ConnectedFactories and EFPF Final Event - 23 & 24 November

As the EFPF project comes towards its conclusion towards the end of the year, we have planned to organise the final event with the ConnectedFactories2 CSA project that also end in the same period.

You are invited to save the date and register for the ConnectedFactories2 and EFPF projects Final Event on the 23rd and 24th of November 2022. The event will be held at the BluePoint building in Brussels (Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels). On the 23rd, an overview of the pathways to advanced and digital manufacturing generated by the ConnectedFactories 1 & 2 projects will be presented, , as well as the main takeaways and key observations regarding cross-cutting aspects such as interoperability, standardisation, business, legal aspects and more. In addition, the final results or the state of play of the exploitable results and demonstrators from the six DT‐ICT‐07-2018-2019 Innovation Actions will be presented. On the 24th, the event will focus on the EFPF project, showcasing the results of the EFPF three pilots and the business and sustainability models implemented in the EFPF project. The federation model implemented in the EFPF project enables the interlinking of platforms, systems and services in the digital manufacturing domain. It also enables the users to utilise innovative functionalities, experiment with disruptive approaches and develop custom solutions to maximise connectivity, interoperability and efficiency for lot-size-one manufacturing scenarios. Moreover, the project will present the latest developments and contributions toward cross-cutting areas identified and addressed in the CF2 project. Please find here more information, as well as the agenda and registration link below.


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