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Matchmaking – Federated Search and Recommendation Service

Find, connect and collaborate with the best supply chain partners across digital platforms using advanced federated search and recommendation service features  

Federated search across digital platforms to find the best suppliers, products & services 


Find the best supplier or service provider that fits your specific supply chain needs across multiple platforms; Search through products & services across different digital marketplaces through a unified interface using advance federated search capabilities. 

Recommendations and notifications of suppliers who best match the needs of your supply chains


With the power of machine learning and automated matchmaking techniques, receive personalised recommendations and best bids from suppliers. Recommendation service and agent-based bidding solution reduces time and resources spent on finding best partners & products across. 

Matchmaking Service in the EFPF Ecosystem


Manufacturing companies across Europe constantly need to find and connect with suppliers and service providers to be able to respond to changing customer needs. In the eFactory ecosystem, manufacturing companies like KLEEMAN and Lagrama, two large manufacturing companies in Europe, as well as their partners frequently look out for new suppliers and service providers based on specific requirements, such as products, certifications, standards, warranty period, packaging standards, etc.  The EFPF matchmaking solutions allows the users to access a federated marketplace, where they can find and connect with the best suited supply chain partners efficiently and seamlessly. 

Matchmaking Solutions

Matchmaking Service

The matchmaking functionality in the EFPF platform is delivered through a federated search service that provides unified interface for users to find and connect with the best suited supply chain partners. Users can search for partners based on multiple criteria such as industry, capabilities, products etc

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